1. expperm::A
    A small random matrix
  2. expperm::df1
    A small data frame of simulated records
  3. expperm::df2
    A (second) small data frame of simulated records
  4. expperm::triA
    A small random tridiagonal matrix
  5. regspec::Dfexample
    Synthetic Data for Testing Functions in the regspec Package.
  6. regspec::Dpexample2
    Synthetic Data for Testing Functions in the regspec Package.
  7. regspec::Dpexample3
    Synthetic Data for Testing Functions in the regspec Package.
  8. regspec::retail
    Retail Sales Index (RSI) data
  9. regspec::spec.true
    Synthetic Data for Testing Functions in the regspec Package.
    matrix|200 x 2
  10. regspec::trav.mly
    Visits abroad by UK residents
  11. regspec::trav.qly
    Visits abroad by UK residents